Here we have our Amber chip bracelets for adults! Amber is a great healer for physical pain and brings down inflammation in our physical body!
Amber is often referred to as the sun stone and has a personality that almost makes you smile when you hold it. Strictly speaking, it's not a crystal, but rather the fossilised resin of trees, which in some cases formed millions of years ago. As such, it has a strong connection with the past, and in larger pieces small insects that last flew a long time ago can sometimes be seen, captured in the resin and preserved forever.
The energy of amber is bright and cheery, so it can be good stone to have around if you need a burst of positivity. The stone is very light so is ideal for jewellery, and unlike other crystals, it isn't cold to touch. Amber has a long history and has been found in the burial sites of ancient peoples - this may be because it was regarded as having purifying properties.