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The Journey to The Crystal Hut

Writer's picture: Kris @TheCrystalHutStoreKris @TheCrystalHutStore

For me, I have always been drawn to the sea for that very reason, it’s always been a place I can be calm and know I will get healing from being near the sea. Not too long ago we were all locked up because of Covid-19 and I was living in a City in the UK, called Manchester, as beautiful as Manchester is, there is very little free-flowing water, and I knew I had to be by the sea, call is my soul knowing where I needed to be.

The Crystal Hut Store Llandudno Pier
Bert and Kris at The Crystal Hut Store Llandudno Pier

My whole world had started to change from my job, at this time I was a TV presenter on Sky’s Psychic Today, I had gone from working 5 shows a week at our studios in Milton Keynes to doing the show from our spare bedroom and my shows started to dry up and then I got the news I would be made redundant in the July of 2021.


With that as you can imagine I was devastated and would normally put pressure on myself to find new employment with a new TV show. However, I knew my energy was getting used a lot on the shows and I was feeling quite empty, so I knew something had to change.

From the age of six, I was introduced to the fascinating world of crystals by my nana, Edna. She would use to go to different crystal stores and on this one day, she brought me back a little something as I was having a hard time at school, she brought me back a piece of amethyst, and said “Keep this with you as it will keep you calm and help with any worries and bring you protection” from this very moment my world was changed. I was so enthralled, and I was blown away by how this crystal could help and support me. As I was only young, I didn’t question anything and completely trusted my nana's decision to get amethyst crystal for me and from this life moment this is where my journey began with crystals.


Growing up we had little money, but I used to get given five pounds every week that I could spend on anything, and for me, I would go and buy one tumble stone crystals (as these were usually cheaper) and I would see what crystal would call me, and I would sit with it, get to know this crystal and put it to work. Now, it was in the 90s here in the UK and let say people weren’t as open as they were today regarding crystals. So, I used to have to go by myself to my local crystal stores, as I didn’t want many people to know what I was doing, as I didn’t want to be called out for believing in weird rocks and not going to buy sweets or cd’s like everyone else. However, this never fazed me, as I knew I had a connection with crystals and they were helping enhance my early life, and with each crystal tumble stone I acquired, I was collecting my first crystal collection that would in turn be my coping mechanism for growing up and learning to fully work with crystals and how they can change my life for the better.


When I was getting older, came with it the joys of my teenage years, and trying to figure who I was and where I wanted to be in this world was quite daunting, school was ok, but I had dyslexia and hated maths and German with a passion, and remember to this day that I was so worried about my GCSE’s especially those subjects as I knew I was going to struggle as my brain just didn’t get them and I would get extremely worked up.

So came the morning of my maths GCSE exam and I was very nervous and thinking of every way to get out to get out of it, when I was getting ready that morning, my Tigers Eye tumble stone jumped off my bedroom table onto the floor near my feet, and I knew that I had to take this crystal with me to my exam. When looking into the properties of Tigers Eye it was a crystal of luck and confidence and I needed that more than anything. So, with this, I knew I had the crystals' support, and along to my exam I went, with a newfound confidence. I went to take my seat in my exam, and all that was allowed with us in the room was a pencil and a calculator, I had to hide my Tigers Eye in my pocket, and before I took the exam, I held my Tigers Eye in my hand and asked for it help me through this exam and to let me pass. From that very second, I had the confidence to take the exam and I didn’t feel worried at all about the outcome.


 When I got my GCSE results, I came out with a D in maths, that wasn’t a failure, and I was extremely chuffed for myself that I didn’t fail, and my little Tigers Eye had done its job and supported me through one of the most worrying times of my young life. But this also cemented my life with crystals as I knew they would be my support, my crutch if you like, in helping me make my life what it is, and when times get rough, they will help me that and support me on my inner healing to live the best life possible.


From feeling let down from being made redundant by Psychic Today, I knew with everything the whole world had been through, I needed a change of pace and for that, there was crystals and the sea at its heart. Throughout the whole of lockdown, I kept asking my guides and the angels for me to be beside the sea, now with me, working from my bedroom and my partner Paul, working as an area manager for a big coffee company, life was very much in the city and for us moving anywhere else, especially by the sea was always a million miles away, well so in thought.


I knew I had to do something for me now, as the whole energy of the world had changed, so I retrained as a crystal and angelic reiki healer and started to practise at home, and from this, I made a little display from an old shelving unit another apartment was throwing out, I jazzed it up, and made it look lovely with all the crystals for sale when I had my lovely clients around coming for healing.

No matter how you look at it, crystals have always been with me, through job interviews, helping with relationships and even bringing money when it was needed, I had reconnected with them on a serious level and for that, I will always be grateful. So, from being made redundant in July, to starting up my healing hub in my spare room in Manchester, I still had that longing to be near the sea. Fast forward to September of 2021, we holidayed in Llandudno, a stunning seaside town in North Wales. It must be seen to be believed, as it’s one of the most stunning towns in Wales and from the architecture to the vibe of the town it's very spiritual and a special place indeed. When we were staying in Llandudno, there was a crystal shop I kept seeing called Merry Moon, when I went to go, it was closed, but I knew before we went back to Manchester, I had to visit this store.


I just had a feeling I had to go in there, on our last day which was a Saturday, the store was finally open and when I went in, I got speaking to the woman who ran the store called Karen, we talked for ages about Angels and Crystals and built up quite a connection quickly. Well, we had to make tracks back to Manchester, and on our way back, I got a message from Karen, who ran Merry Moon, as she asked if I wanted to purchase the business from her. I was so excited as I knew this was my next chapter and the one that I was always meant for.

As you can imagine there is a lot that goes into purchasing a business and none of it was plain sailing, as just when I had got the finances together, unfortunately, Karen then changed her mind and no longer wanted to sell the business. As you can imagine I was devastated as my dream of being by the sea and owning my crystal store was slipping through my fingers. However, in my despair and tears my partner's mum, Hazel said "Well what about the little huts on Llandudno Pier...?" I knew instantly that was it! We will be over the sea… so I made a phone call to the managers of the pier, one who didn’t quite get crystals and one lovely lady called Kerry, who got it straight away and said they needed to be on the pier. So down to Llandudno I went to look at the huts available, and the first one Kerry showed me, I knew it was the one, I didn’t want to see any others, this was it.

It had panoramic sea views and was the perfect place for a crystal store. Looking back now, I couldn’t have taken on Merry Moon as the store first as I knew nothing about business and

my first store had to be The Crystal Hut on Llandudno Pier.

Llandudno Pier
The Crystal Hut - Llandudno Pier

It’s funny how things work out, but it all worked out the way it was meant to, I now believe, that meeting Karen was planting the seed for me being in Llandudno as without her, I would never have chosen Llandudno or even risked opening a crystal store. Paul’s mum, Hazel gave me the idea of Llandudno Pier, so without meeting the right people and all the stars aligning at the correct time, it all wouldn’t have come to be, but it was fate and my destiny to have a place of hope and healing over the sea that is today known as The Crystal Hut.




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