In my many years of working with crystals, I have found some have vibrational energy that has been too strong for me to work with.
The crystal that stands out for me is moldavite, it’s made up of an asteroid that crashed on Earth millions of years ago. It’s a stunning green crystal but to work with it I had to slowly get used to its energy and sometimes have another crystal like hematite to keep me grounded. Moldavite is the stone of transformation, but the energy was so strong for me. Just be prepared your energy might not gel with every crystal and that’s ok, as there are always ways to work with them and sometimes you’re just not at the right stage of your spiritual journey to work with that crystal.
It’s an absolute joy to see how powerful the energy of crystals can be and that every day I see them help and heal people in their everyday lives and on their own spiritual joineries. People come to me for many reasons, but I have yet to find a crystal that has not worked on someone and changed their energy for the better.
You would be surprised at how easy it can be for our chakras to be unbalanced and how that can affect us in all areas of our daily life. I always say to my clients, how often do we book hair and nail appointments?
We do this a lot in our lives, but what about our spiritual health?
This is what we need to survive and feel well. We don’t give it the attention it deserves and with treatments like crystal healing, this can address all that, to ensure we are at our spiritual best every day.
I find crystals to be most effective for me and my spiritual health when I meditate and I sit within their energy. If I’m finding things in life are difficult or I’m struggling, I know to put my spiritual self first. There is pure magic in the silence of meditating but that's amplified when you add crystal energy to that.
I am always drawn to amethyst as that’s the first crystal I truly connected with and I believe it’s my spiritual crystal so hence why I always meditate with it. I will hold the crystal in my hands or place a small piece on my third eye and let myself just go into a meditative state, what I experience is always so calming and reassuring and I just know by having some alone time with a crystal how much my spiritual health is benefiting from it. Sometimes just let your intuition guide you, as the crystal will know what you need, go with your first feeling and meditate with that crystal, you may even get a message from it, or clarity of a situation. I try and do this every week and I’m less stressed as I know I have crystals there for every step of my spiritual journey.
As we navigate our everyday life, hopefully, things are going great for you right now. If you need some support or are having a wobble as I like to call it, you can keep crystals with you throughout the day, to bring their healing vibrations along with you.
You can buy crystals in every size and shape you will most likely find; you will have a lot of the same crystal but for different uses. I call this “my spiritual crystal kit” as I wear crystals around my neck in the form of jewellery to bracelets and have them in my pockets and anywhere else that I can secure them within my clothes. If you’re new to crystals, you might be like "that’s too much", but trust me, the more experience you have with a crystal's energy and how powerful their vibration can be you will be hooked and wonder why you haven’t used them until now.
I truly never live a day without crystals by my side and if it’s been in an exam situation which I hate, I’ve needed my tiger's eye crystal for luck, as I was surrounded by it for every exam I took and passed. I’m loud and proud with my crystals and it’s a joy to share them with you here. You will most likely find people are curious of them too if they see you getting into crystals, I just say share the love. I have found some crystals can just disappear which is annoying, but sometimes they know better than we do, we just don’t need them and they will just vanish, as they are needed elsewhere.
I truly believe a life lived with crystals is a life lived full and in the best way, I am a spiritual person who communicates with angels, but living a balanced and spiritual life isn’t always easy in the world we live in today. We are sent through so many trials and tribulations and we can’t always see what one another is going through, that’s why I always gift crystals to people who may need them. I just know they will be better off having a crystal that will help in a situation and in their time of need. There is a power in knowing that no matter what life puts us through there is a crystal that will help support us with its pure, natural divine vibration. Crystals are so knowledgeable and new crystals are being discovered all the time. I believe that’s because we are all evolving and we need different vibrational energies to tackle what we may go through in our futures. I’m always learning and discovering different ways to work with crystals every single day and I bring this knowledge and healing to my clients through my crystal healing therapies.
As I sit here, surrounded by crystals I am so thankful that I can work with their energies and harness their power to help support myself and many of my clients past, present and future on their healing and joyous spiritual journeys. Crystals will make a positive impact on your life regardless if you’re new to their healing abilities or if you have been working with them for years.
I hope by sharing my experiences and knowledge of working and loving these precious crystals for most of my life, you will be inspired to let their healing vibrations transform your life and your loved ones to let them take you on a spiritual journey like never before, so you can live your best life in the healing power of crystals.