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A beginner’s guide to crystal healing and how it can boost your spiritual healing.

I have been working and using crystals since I was 16 years old as I have been so in love with their energies. Their energetic vibration of how they can enhance and supercharge any situation to bring the brightest of outcomes. Crystals come in every shape and size and they all have their properties and beautiful ways of letting us know we need them. I now work with crystals every single day, I see each day just how powerful one single crystal can be in transforming emotions, chakras, and overall spiritual health. Crystals are not just beautiful gemstones they are very important spiritual tools that connect and wake people up to their sheer magical abilities of transformation. I want you to rediscover the pure joy for crystals and how they can heal us spiritually and emotionally and if this is your first time reading about them, you truly see why a life lived with crystals is where a magical journey can begin.


People have been using crystals for generations to harness their wonderful healing properties and to immerse themselves in their famous healing vibrations. Once you begin to unlock the unique power of crystals, your crystal healing journey will be awakened with beautiful, healing and unique crystals that will change how you see them. As spiritual people crystals are our best friends, they understand our energies better than we do. I have always been a big believer that we don’t pick crystals they pick us. Think of them as a guide on the journey of life, helping you to reach for everything you want by giving you the extra boost of healing just when you need it most. The energy of a crystal connects with our soul energy and with every thought we have, we can supercharge a crystal to amplify any will, hope and wish as anything is possible through the power of crystals.


There are many crystals available in the world and this can be a little overwhelming at times if you’re just discovering this magical world keep it simple and start small. No matter the size of a crystal, the vibration will still be as powerful and you will get the same results. In this wonderful world of crystal vibrations, the crystal energy can truly help to transform every part of your life. If you are looking to start journeying on your spiritual path, crystals will hold you in the highest state and they will be with you every step of the way. I have used crystals many times in my life to look for work opportunities, find love, bring hope and to heal myself spirituality and it’s all about setting the right intention when you are working with a crystal.

Clear Quartz Crystal Buy Online
Clear Quartz

One of the best crystals to start working with and to programme is clear quartz, this can come in all shapes and sizes and it was one of my first crystals I ever worked with. When you find the piece of clear quartz that’s calling you, hold this to your third eye, just between your brows and close your eyes and say your intention to the crystal, then open your eyes and give thanks, that’s how to programme a crystal and you can rest assured your crystal is working with you amplifying your intention request.


Never worry, there is no right or wrong way to work with crystals but being open to their healing vibration has always been key for me and giving them the respect they deserve.

Each crystal has its own vibration energy and needs to be cleansed and charged. If you think of your mobile phone, you charge it every night, so it’s good to go for the next day. Do this with your crystals too. This will ensure they are working their best for you when they are cleansed and charged daily, as your energy and other people’s energies will be on your crystals, and you want them to be at their best 24/7. To cleanse your crystals, I always pop them through some sage smoke, you can cleanse them in other ways, but this is my preferred method. Then to charge them I leave them out on a full moon and always leave them on my selenite charging pad next to my bed overnight. Talking of selenite and crystal vibrations, selenite’s own vibration is so high that it doesn’t need charging and it will charge the rest of your crystals for you. I always make sure I cleanse my charging pad regularly to ensure it's charging the rest of my crystals perfectly, I cleanse the charging pad in the same way as my crystals, using a sage stick.


When looking to start your crystal collection you don’t need to spend lots of your hard-earned cash, start simple and small and I would get one or two at a time. In addition to clear quartz, one of the initial crystals I would suggest getting is a nice piece of amethyst, as for me this was such a transformational crystal and one that I had my first angelic experience with. Amethyst is known as the crystal of spiritual growth, and psychic development, and the stone of protection. The healing vibrations from amethyst are gentle, which is why it’s a great crystal to start with and one that will work with your own energy in the right way. I would then look for some rose quartz as this crystal is all about love and you can feel its loving vibrations wrapping round you like a warm hug. I like to use rose quartz every single day to remind myself to love myself and to bring loving vibrations around me all day. It’s a great crystal to pop underneath your pillow to bring in soothing loving vibrations whilst you sleep too.


The crystal Citrine has played such an important role for me as it’s the crystal to bring abundance of financial meaning, but also brings emotional joy and riches to us daily. Keep a little piece of citrine in your wallet or purse to ensure the energy of abundance is always flowing around you. A very popular crystal that’s been so important to me is black obsidian, this crystal is so powerful at absorbing negative energy and keeping us protected, I use it all the time especially when if I feel I will be in a negative situation or I will be with a negative person. I put black obsidian around my home too, to keep out negative vibes, I pop it at my front door and around my windows. A crystal that’s been unstoppable for me in every work situation, job interview is tigers eye. This crystal is all about luck and harnessing new opportunities, I find it gives me the confidence to be at my best especially when I use to go to job interviews or with screen tests in tv presenting work.


For any new crystal enthusiast out there or even if you are an experienced crystal lover, I truly believe the crystals I have mentioned will give you a clear foundation to understand each one and for you to get to know their own vibration and when you feel like you are confident in working with each one start to crystal cocktail and mix it up and see what a mixture of crystals can do for you and just how magical a life lived with crystals truly is.

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