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The Crystal Directory

Not sure which Crystal or Crystals are right for you? 

Don’t worry, check out all the descriptions below and once you’ve found the ones that are right for you , just click on the picture and we’ll show you all the crystal products available.

A-Z Crystals 


Amazonite is known for its detoxifying properties and protects against electromagnetic pollution. It’s also helps to open the heart and throat chakra, enhancing loving conversations.

Amazonite crystal known for detoxification properties


Amethyst is always purple in colour and comes in many different shapes and sizes.  It is a powerful and protective stone with a high vibration.  It helps to protect against psychic attacks and can enhance the memory as well as assist in deeper understanding when you meditate. 

Amethyst crystal with protective and high vibrational qualities.

Angel Aura

A crystal of new horizons and divine angelic connections, this crystal has a striking rainbow effect and can be used to purify and balance the chakras to bring hope peace and tranquillity.

Angel Aura Quartz with divine connections and rainbow hues


Bringing inner peace, calm and a sense of serenity, Angelite is great for relieving the overwhelming feelings that stress and anger can bring. Used to connect with spirit guides and guardian angel ls, Angelite dispels fear and encourages forgiveness.

Angelite stone promoting inner peace and spiritual communication

Aqua Aura

Aqua Aura Quartz is said to have spiritual properties that can enhance your connection to the divine. It can help you to open your spiritual channels and allow for a more powerful connection with the divine realm. This can help you to access guidance and support from the spirit world, and to connect with your higher self-more easily. It can also help you to connect with your spiritual guides and guardian angels, who can offer support and guidance during times of need

Aqua Aura Quartz enhancing divine connection through its aqua glow

Black Obsidian

A strongly protective stone, Black Obsidian is a powerful cleanser of your aura and has many metaphysical properties that will protect you against negativity. The energy of these stones has also been known to stimulate the gift of prophecy.

Black Obsidian for strong protection and aura cleansing


Bloodstone is also known as Heliotrope.  As its name suggests Bloodstone is a good healer and is excellent at cleansing the blood.  This can then have the effect of boosting the immune system as less toxins are in the body.

Bloodstone crystal cleansing blood and boosting immune system.

Blue Chalcedony

Blue Chalcedony is a calmer of the emotional body and is here to help one communicate their truest thoughts and ideas. This encourages deeper discussions with the ones you love, which will not only strengthen your relationships, but also help “awaken” their emotional bodies as well.

Blue Chalcedony calming emotional body and enhancing communication

Blue Goldstone

The Blue Goldstone Healing Crystal is associated with the throat chakra. Harnessing the properties of copper, Goldstone has the effect of boosting life-force and promoting vitality. It aids significantly in increasing the strength of circulation in the body, ensuring bone density, and reducing arthritic inflammation as well as reducing stomach pains or grumbling experienced from anxiety.

Blue Goldstone associated with vitality and life-force enhancement

Blue Howlite

Is a great crystal that helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and anger.  It improves communication as blue means it is associated with the throat chakra. Howlite provides a warm sense of security that will help you through your day and to also take a more positive outlook.  It creates a calming influence that also is great at helping you sleep better too!

Blue Howlite reducing stress and improving communication

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz healing crystals lend themselves to soothing and calming properties and can bring peace to difficult or challenging situations. Known to cleanse the aura and clear tough energy blockages , with its association with the third eye chakra, Blue Quartz works well with connecting with higher realms and angels. 

Blue Quartz for soothing energy and third eye connection.

Blue Tigers Eye

Blue Tigers Eye is a chatoyant crystal, black with iron oxide staining giving rise to beautiful blue, brown stripes giving the appearance of an eye. This crystal is great for restoring and improving self-confidence and has the added benefit of overcoming lethargy.

Blue Tigers Eye improving self-confidence and overcoming lethargy.


Carnelian is a great crystal for cleansing other crystals.  Simply place it in a bag with all your other tumble stones and you will never need to cleanse them by any other method. Carnelian is also a great grounding crystal.  it stabilises and yet still has a high vibration and energy which is great for restoring motivation and creativity. Healing properties of this crystal include stimulating the metabolism - great for weight loss and increasing fertility.

Carnelian aiding in crystal cleansing and energy restoration.

Cherry Quartz

Cherry Quartz is a beautiful stone with that lends itself to regulation, promoting a healthy life balance to keep you centred and grounded. This stone is said to help overcome lethargy and boost energy for the user.

Cherry Quartz promoting life balance and energy boosting.


Citrine - carries the power of the sun.  This makes it a powerful cleanser and regenerator.  it provides warmth and energy.  It is what we would call a good all round crystal as it can raise self-esteem as well as motivate and revitalise the mind and is known as the wealth crystal as it attracts abundance.

Citrine crystal known as the wealth attraction stone.

Clear Quartz 

The most common and popular form of Quartz.  Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for healing and amplifying energy. It is a good crystal for balancing energy and also unblocking energy blocked in our charka system and you can programme clear quartz to do whatever it is you want, as it’s the master healer.

Clear QuaClear Quartz, the master healer for energy amplification.rtz, the master healer for energy amplification.

Crackled Quartz (Coloured Mixed) 

The most common and popular form of Quartz.  Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for healing and amplifying energy. It is a good crystal for balancing energy and unblocking energy blocked in our charka system and you can programme clear quartz to do whatever it is you want, as it’s the master healer.

Crackled Quartz

Dalmatian Jasper

Similar to the playful nature of the Dalmatian itself, Dalmatian Jasper reconnects you with your youth enhancing your playfulness and energy. It is also known to be a significant deterrent of bad dreams and negative emotions, as well as strengthening family bonds and long term friendships.

Dalmatian Jasper enhancing playfulness and deterring negative emotions.


Unveil the uplifting energy and singular beauty of fluorite with this Fluorite Polished Tumble stone. Mainly used for absorbing negative energy and eliminating stress, Fluorite also increases concentration powers and as such is often used as a learning aid. It also encourages positivity and boosts self-confidence, as well as having the effect of increasing balance and co-ordination.

Fluorite for absorbing negative energy and boosting concentration.


Almandine Garnet is the red variety of the garnet and is popularly used in jewellery created across the world. Known as a stone of health, it enables the user to channel spiritual energies into the body and redistribute as positivity, simulating blood flow. Garnet is known to inspire creativity as well as promoting connections with spiritual plains and links the base chakra and the crown chakra together.

Garnet stone inspiring creativity and promoting spiritual connections.

Golden Healer

Golden Healer Quartz has a yellow inclusion appearance due to Iron Oxide trapped in the crystal. A multi purpose crystal, Golden Healer has all of the benefits of Clear Quartz but magnifies the power of change, opening up your energy fields to enable a free flow through all the chakras. This crystal is said to restore balance to your body and bring to the user a feeling of peace and harmony.

Golden Healer Quartz magnifying change and restoring balance.


Harnessing the properties of copper, Goldstone has the effect of boosting life-force and increasing inner strength when needed. It aids significantly in increasing the strength of circulation in the body, ensuring bone density, and reducing arthritic inflammation. We especially love the way these stones shimmer in the light with their almost glitter effect. 


Green Aventurine

Aventurine is a positive stone of prosperity.  It helps mental healing and protects against electromagnetic pollution that can be created through everyday electronic devices. As it assists in mental healing it is a good crystal to calm anger and irritation.

Green Aventurine.heic


Healerite crystal has such a high vibrational healing energy and is known as the healer’s crystal. Working on multiple levels to restructure misaligned chakras, meridians, and systems in the organic and etheric bodies, bringing a great beneficial infusion of subtle matter-energy. Healerites currents move into the body quite readily at any point, carrying emanations of well-being to body and soul.



Hematite, a natural form of iron, is a strongly grounding and protective gemstone. With it's beautiful dark shine, this stone is ace at absorbing negative energy and reducing stress in times of worry, something we could all certainly make use of. It's also good for working with the Root Chakra, which will help you transform negative energy into positive vibration.


Kambaba Jasper

Kambaba Jasper is a great crystal for supporting the gift of new life and helping support life in general. It will bring in a deep peace and inner tranquillity. The colours are beautiful blues and greens which are help you to feel relaxed and at peace.

Kambaba Jasper.heic


Labradorite is a protective crystal with a highly mystical quality.  It is the bringer of light and will deflect unwanted energy from entering your aura.  Labradorite can help you to overcome fears and calms an overactive mind making it great as a protector.  It can also energize the imagination and aid intuition making it great for use in divination.


Laguna Lace

The brown and yellow shades of Laguna lace agate likewise hold the propensity to heal the overall torso of spirit and soul. The high-flying color scarlet contemplate good to evoke the feeling of pleasure and compassion. The color energy of this captivating stone helps to shield the soul from the off-putting energies. Often, regarded as a variety of rock bands Chalcedony it vibrates at a slower frequency, but holds the strong potential to influence the spirit.

Laguna Lace Agate.heic


Originating from the Larvik region of Norway, Larvikite has a protective property, and is a great crystal to remove toxins from the physical and spiritual body. This crystal lends itself to divination as it is known to focus the users mind and stimulate inner visions, whilst connecting you to the earth.



Lepidolite is a stone of peace and tranquillity. It helps to combat anxiety and is the best crystal for soothing the mind and helping you find your centre again. This crystal is a beautiful lilac / pink colour and will put a smile on your face. Excellent at dealing with the stresses that come from the fast-paced world we live in.

Lepidolite .heic


Limonite holds one close to Mother Earth. Strength to move forward during situations of stress and overwhelming anxiety. A powerful mental healer. Prevents detrimental thoughts and impaired clarity.

Limonite .heic

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli tumbled stone is great for using in meditation. It helps open the third eye and balance the throat chakra. It stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work, psychic abilities and stimulate spiritual power.

Lapis Lazuli.heic

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian healing crystals are volcanic rocks that contain parts of oxidized hematite or magnetite and are great at encouraging strength in the user during times of great need. It is said to strengthen the aura and is a superb stone at providing grounding and protection as it connects with the root and sacral chakras.

Mahogany Obsidian .heic

Mixed Agate

Agate is renowned for its exceptional properties in restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. Acting as a powerful cleanser, it stabilises and purifies the aura, facilitating the elimination and conversion of negative energies.

Mixed Agate.heic


Mookaite is known for bringing out your adventurous side.  If you struggle to get up and leave the house or are always the one afraid to put your hand up or start a conversation first then this crystal will be great for you.  It provides a confidence boost that allows you to start conversation and make friends. 



Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength, and is quite often carried or worn for somebody who is seeking a new beginning, as it has the effect of soothing emotional instability and stress, providing the wearer a calm outlook on life. Moonstone also enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.


Moss Agate

Moss Agate is connected to nature and therefore known as a stabilizing stone.  It helps to refresh the soul and enables one to see the inner beauty.  Particularly useful for those that work close to nature.

Moss Agate.heic

Multi Moonstone

Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength, and is quite often carried or worn for somebody who is seeking a new beginning, as it has the effect of soothing emotional instability and stress, providing the wearer a calm outlook on life. Moonstone also enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.


New Jade

New Jade is a beautifully green coloured crystal, which has healing properties weighted towards restoring emotional balance to your life, bringing control to your daily routine. Good for psychic development, this stone is also known to attract love and money as well as being a strong aid for meditation. New Jade is associated primarily with the heart chakra.

New Jade.heic


Onyx means strength.  This crystal provides support in confusing circumstances and at times when you can be under a huge amount of stress and pressure.  The stone promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina helping you to be at your best and help take you forward in your future.



Opalite healing crystals are known to increase your personal power and boost self-esteem, enabling you to unleash your inner strengths. It is a great crystal for meditation as it enables you to open up your 3rd eye, bringing a sense of intuition and is great for communicating with spirits.


Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite healing crystals are a great crystal for uplifting your mood. They increase joy, provide a major boost for creativity, and gives you that energy boost for when you are feeling low. Orange calcite also enhances relaxation and spiritual guidance allowing your true feelings and thoughts to guide you.

Orange Calcite .heic

Peach Moonstone

Peach Moonstone is linked to Mother Earth and our emotions. Peach Moonstone Tumbled stone can help us to feel more balanced with our emotions and enhance our spiritual growth. Open your heart to its nurturing qualities and enjoy the peacefulness its promotes.

Peach Moonstone.heic

Pink Zebra

Pink Zebra Jasper is known to bring balance in our lives and connect us to the grounding effects of mother earth. This stone has a nurturing and calming energy about it that helps us connect to positive energy and love.

Pink Zebra Jasper .heic


Prehnite is a beautiful translucent olive colour that promotes unconditional love, peace, joy, and harmony in the user’s life.



Pyrite is a very protective healing crystal and can shield the user from negative and harmful energy. Known to balance the solar plexus chakra (3rd) it is also useful for protecting from pollution and physical danger, whilst promoting health and well-being.

Pyrite .heic

Rainbow Aura

Rainbow Aura Quartz Healing Crystals lend themselves to enhancing mediation by quieting thoughts and stopping the mind from racing. The colours of this crystal can really draw you in, making a very absorbing and peaceful stone.

Rainbow Aura .heic

Rainbow Moonstone

This beautiful Rainbow Moonstone Healing Crystal has the pale appearance of the Moon, with iridescent flashes of light occasionally on the stones surface. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength and is quite often carried or worn for somebody who is seeking a new beginning, as it has the effect of soothing emotional instability and stress, providing the wearer a calm outlook on life. Moonstone also enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.

Rainbow Moonstone.heic

Red Jasper

This beautifully coloured tumblestone, Red Jasper has a healing and calming effect on the energy of the chakra, helping you to develop a more balanced approach towards your life on the physical plain. The stone also enable you to develop your spiritual side.

Red Jasper.heic

Rose Quartz

The crystal that is recognised as the centre of universal love, Rose Quartz restores trust and harmony in relationships, opening the heart to all levels to promote love, self-love, deep inner healing, and feelings of peace. Rose Quartz harnesses the rays of determination, commitment, and caring. Its soothing colour calms feelings of anger or resentment and can aid efforts to meditate and reflect.

Rose Qaurtz.HEIC

Ruby Zoisite

Ruby Zoisite has strong energies offering happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth, all which make it an effective stone for healing. It will bring whoever wears it positive and happy feelings that will aid emotional healing.

Ruby Zoisite.heic


Named after the Greek goddess of the moon Selene, Selenite crystals are white in colour and have many healing and mystical properties - it is a crystallized form of Gypsum, which is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory.



A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind and spirit. It helps you recognise and release “wrong thinking” and stressful mental patterns. Promotes dispassion and inner centring. Snowflake Obsidian empowers isolation and loneliness, aiding surrender in meditation.

Snowflake Obsidian.heic


Sodalite is one of my favourites. It has a beautiful blue colour and can be slightly mottled in its appearance. Quite often the more you look at this stone the deeper you can look into it and see an array of different colour blues and textures.  The crystal itself is known for promoting logic and intuition and opens spiritual perception.


Strawberry Quartz

Strawberry Quartz is a powerful crystal with potent metaphysical properties that facilitates self-discovery, spiritual path discovery, spiritual awakening, and physical abundance. These healing crystals remove auric blockages and seal the field.

Strawberry Quartz .heic


Also known as a stone of joy, sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and an enjoyment of life. According to metaphysical beliefs, sunstone is highly effective in cleansing auras and chakras. Sunstone is predominantly associated with the Base and Sacral Chakras.


Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye is a chatoyant crystal, black with iron oxide staining giving rise to beautiful gold brown stripes giving the appearance of an eye. This crystal is great for bring luck to restoring and improving self-confidence and has the added benefit of overcoming lethargy.

Tigers Eye.heic

Tree Agate

Tree Agate the energy of all agates is comforting and soothing, so it's a good tool to have around if you feel in need of relaxation, stress-relief or want to stop worrying. The energy reminds us that we need to take a step back sometimes to regain balance and release negativity and anxious thoughts from our lives. Agates are lovely stones to have around where you sit, work or live. Their many colours and patterns make them attractive stones and they make wonderful ornaments if simply placed on a windowsill or desk.

Tree Agate.heic


Turquoise is a purification stone and will help to dispel negative energy.  it also helps to align the chakras and so is great in crystal healing.  Bright blue in colour.



Unakite is green, pink in colour and mottled in its appearance.  It is a stone of vision and balances emotions with spirituality.  It promotes visualisations and helps with psychic vision and the third eye. It can also aid with grounding and is an essential to aid your meditations.


White Howlite

This beautiful white howlite healing crystal can aid in sleeping by calming those racing thoughts. It is known to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as reducing muscle tension and any muscular pain. It enhances character building, providing a strong sense of decency enabling negative emotions to be cleared, which will result in a calmer outlook in life.

White Howlite .heic
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